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THE NIXIE TIME ZONE CLOCK V2 by 55 Adatte Design

Designed and engineered in Switzerland by Adatte Design, “55® Nixie Time Zone” is a time zone clock using six new old stock and genuine nixie tubes as a display.
“55® Nixie Time Zone” has the ability to display the time of 5 different cities and their corresponding time zone. By default, it shows the time in Geneva, Dubai, Taipei, New York and London but one of these cities can be arbitrarily chosen to display your local time. The selected city appears in the front aperture, while its current time is displayed on the nixie tubes. The clock is an original design, patented and entirely Swiss Made.

In 2008, Adatte Design was already passionate about vintage and eclectic technology and produced a limited run of simple Nixie tube clocks for a client, using six Z566M Nixies mounted on a solid machined aluminum body made in Switzerland. It’s only recently that they rediscovered this clock and thought of making a new one.

After a long research, they eventually found a large new old stock of Z560M tubes in East Europe. More than fifty years ago, they were used on measuring and scientific instruments and calculators, instead of the LED technology we have today. Having found so many, they logically thought of making a large time zone clock that uses 5×6 tubes. After many sketches and 3D renderings, no interesting result was obtained. They didn’t want to make just ‘another’ nixie clock and there weren’t enough tubes in stock to make a decent number of units.


Availability: on request



6 vintage, rare and original Nixie tubes.

Body milled from solid aluminium, anodized in black.

Engraved and enameled letters.


L: 330 mm x L: 80 mm x H: 80 mm – 3,3 kg

Information Request